Meditation MP3s

Meditation can help improve almost everything about your mind and your health. Although there are a lot of similarities between hypnosis and meditation, meditation offers more emphasis on clearing your mind of mental chatter. This is great for relaxation and clarity of thought. This can produce a lot of knock on health and personal development benefits. Check out my meditation products page for more details of the benefits you can enjoy.

Subliminal MP3s

My subliminal mp3 sessions aim to give your subconscious mind positive suggestions for improvement. Subliminal audios achieve this by hiding the suggestions within the music. Your subconscious mind can then absorb these suggestions without your conscious mind getting in the way. This can lead to some rapid positive changes in behaviour.

Binaural Beats MP3s

Binaural beats can ‘tune your mind’ to help make powerful, lasting changes. They use two different frequencies, one in each ear, to produce a pulsing effect. Depending on the frequencies and the difference between them, your mind can be guided to specific wave lengths. Different wave lengths change your frame of mind, helping you perform better in various disciplines

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Coloured Noise MP3s

You may have heard of white noise. It is the sound a crackling radio used to make in the old days. This sound can provide great relaxation benefits, and other benefits too. There are many different coloured noises, such as pink noise and brown noise. The difference between the colours is their frequency range. Different coloured noises produce different effects on your brain, which produces different health benefits. Check out my products page for more details of what each coloured noises can help you with.

Self Hypnosis Audio Free Download

Thanks for visiting HypnoBusters. This is THE place to buy hypnosis MP3s. Relax and have a look around. There are many things that will help you, interest you, and educate. Give yourself a treat!